quarta-feira, 25 de julho de 2012

O Google não resolve tudo

Tio Google ajuda muito a buscar vários assuntos na internet. Muitas vezes, mesmo que saiba exatamente qual site de dará a informação, vou diretamente no Google sem mesmo tentar procurar no site específico. No meu caso, chego mais rápido via Google, nestas situações. Não preciso entender a lógica do site, o Google faz isto mais rápido.
Contudo, há vários sistemas de busca para estudos acadêmicos que conseguem ser mais eficientes que o Google para este seguimento. Recentemente o blog OnlineUniversities.com atualizou a sua interessante lista: 100 Time-Saving Search Engines for Serious Scholars (Revised) 
Veja um amostra
Want the best of everything? Use these meta search engines that return results from multiple sites all at once.
  1. Dogpile: Find the best of all the major search engines with Dogpile, an engine that returns results from Google, Yahoo!, and Bing, with categories including Web, Images, Video, and even White Pages.
  2. MetaCrawler: MetaCrawler makes it easy to "search the search engines," returning results from Google, Yahoo!, and Bing.
  3. Mamma: Check out the mother of all search engines to pin down the best resources on the web. Mamma even searches Twitter and job postings!
With a focus on science, these academic search engines return all-science, all the time.
  1. SciSeek: In this science search engine and directory, you’ll find the best of what the science web has to offer. Browse by category, search by keyword, and even add new sites to the listings.
  2. Chem BioFinder: Register with PerkinElmer to check out the Chem BioFinder and look up information about chemicals, including their properties and reactions.
  3. Biology Browser: Biology Browser is a great resource for finding research, resources, and information in the field of biology. You can also check out their Zoological Record and BIOSIS Previews.
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