divulgado na semana passada testou a hipótese que os homens
compreendem poucos as mulheres devido a dificuldades em obter
informações relevantes da região dos olhos. Eles concluem que os
homens reconhecem mais as emoções de outros homens que das mulheres
e que isto pode estar localizado na amídala (amygdala, não tonsil).
resumo do artigo
are traditionally thought to have more problems in understanding
women compared to understanding other men, though evidence supporting
this assumption remains sparse. Recently, it has been shown, however,
that men's problems in recognizing
women’s emotions could be linked to difficulties in extracting the
relevant information from the eye region, which remain one of the
richest sources of social information for the attribution of mental
states to others. To determine possible differences in the neural
correlates underlying emotion recognition from female, as compared to
male eyes, a modified version of the Reading the Mind in the Eyes
Test in combination with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
was applied to a sample of 22 participants. We found that men
actually had twice as many problems in recognizing emotions from
female as compared to male eyes, and that these problems were
particularly associated with a lack of activation in limbic regions
of the brain (including the hippocampus and the rostral anterior
cingulate cortex). Moreover, men revealed heightened activation of
the right amygdala to male stimuli regardless of condition (sex vs.
emotion recognition). Thus, our findings highlight the function of
the amygdala in the affective component of theory of mind (ToM) and
in empathy, and provide further evidence that men are substantially
less able to infer mental states expressed by women, which may be
accompanied by sex-specific differences in amygdala activity.”"
o artigo completo aqui.
B, Pawliczek C, Müller BW, Gizewski ER,
Walter H (2013) Why Don't Men Understand Women? Altered Neural
Networks for Reading the Language of Male and Female Eyes. PLoS ONE
8(4): e60278. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0060278
José Neto (no FB):
ResponderExcluirHOJE TUDO SE EXPLICA... :))
Marcelo Barbetta (no FB)
ResponderExcluirM : "Você não me entende (ou conhece) mesmo..."
H: "Putz, me desculpe, mas é um problema de reconhecimento empático relacionado à ativação do sistema límbico, não é por mal..."