quarta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2012

Writing in the Sciences

Precisa de uma ajuda para escrever seu paper? Está cansado/a de escrever sempre do mesmo jeito? Não entende porque os revisores sempre dizem que o "English needs revising"?

Seus problemas acabaram! Vem aí um curso online (disponível no site Coursera). O curso é oferecido por professores da Stanford University (chique!) e tem como objetivo:

This course teaches scientists to become more effective writers, using practical examples and exercises. Topics include: principles of good writing, tricks for writing faster and with less anxiety, the format of a scientific manuscript, and issues in publication and peer review.

Next session: 24, September 2012 (NaN weeks long)
Workload: 4-8 hours/ week 

Course Syllabus

Week 1 (September 24-30): Introduction; principles of effective writing (cutting unnecessary clutter)
Week 2 (October 1-7): Principles of effective writing (verbs)
Week 3 (October 8-14): Crafting better sentences and paragraphs
Week 4 (October 15-21): Organization; and streamlining the writing process
Week 5 (October 22-28): The format of an original manuscript
Week 6 (October 29-Nov. 4): Reviews, commentaries, and opinion pieces; and the publication process
Week 7 (November 5-11): Issues in scientific writing (plagiarism, authorship, ghostwriting, reproducible research)
Week 8 (November 12-18): How to do a peer review; and how to communicate with the lay public
Course Format
The class will consist of lecture videos that are broken into short chunks. Many videos include interactive practice exercises or integrated quiz questions. There will also be standalone writing and editing exercises that are not part of the videos. Workload: one to two hours of video content plus one homework assignment per week; homework will include: editing exercises; two short papers; and peer editing.
É só clicar no site (abaixo) e se inscrever.
By the way: It's completely free!!

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