O título acima é a reprodução de uma notícia do "Valor Econômico" de hoje. Segundo o texto de Alex Ribeiro:
"Brasil é um dos países em que os investimentos em pesquisa e desenvolvimento mais crescem no mundo, afirma o Conselho de Ciência e Engenharia dos Estados Unidos, que acaba de soltar o seu relatório bianual, considerado um dos mais importantes guias para a formulação das políticas públicas americanas na área."
O artigo contem o seguinte gráfico:Eu não conheço, nem consegui localizar página do Conselho de Ciência e Engenharia dos Estados Unidos, mas fiquei com a impressão que se trata dos Science and Engineering Indicators 2010 da National Science Foundation. No capítulo 4 (Research and Development: National Trends and International Linkages) encontrei alguns trechos que falam do Brasil e que se assemelham ao texto:
"both India and Brazil are among the world’s larger R&D performers, although neither has yet become part of OECD’s statistical system. According to the UNESCO statistics, India performed $15 billion of RR&D in 2004 (current U.S. dollars, PPP) and Brazil performed $13 billion in 2005. Both figures are about double the levels of R&D performance that each country reported in the mid-1990s. These levels of R&D expenditures would put both India and Brazil in the world’s top 15 R&D performers." (pag. 4-35);
"On an individual country basis, changes proved more modest in terms of global shares, although funding levels in some lower-cost locations may still be significant from the perspective of purchasing power. R&D performed by U.S.-owned affiliates in China and India increased from less than $10 million in each country in 1994 to $804 million in China and $310 million in India in 2006, but these levels represented only about 3% and 1%, respectively, of total overseas R&D by U.S. MNCs. In the Middle East, Israel accounted for virtually all R&D by affiliates of U.S. MNCs, with about 3% of the global share. Brazil represented two- thirds of Latin America’s U.S.-owned affiliates’ R&D and a 2% global share." (pag. 4-49);
"More than half of R&D by U.S.-owned affiliates in Europe was performed by affiliates classified in transportation equipment (35%) and chemicals (21%). Affiliates classified in transportation equipment also performed half of U.S.-owned R&D in Brazil. Affiliates classified in chemicals performed half of R&D by U.S.-owned companies in Japan. "(pags. 4-49 e 4-50);
Nas conclusões:
"China, which ranks third globally in R&D spending, con- tinues to exhibit the most dramatic growth pattern. Its real R&D growth over the past decade has averaged just over 19% annually. Both India and Brazil also are among the world’s larger and faster-growing R&D performers, accord- ing to UNESCO statistics. India performed about $15 bil- lion of R&D in 2004, and Brazil about $13 billion in 2005 (both figures are the most recent available data). The totals reported for both countries are about double the levels of R&D performance each reported in the mid-1990s. Compa- rability of these figures to the OECD statistics is unclear, but such levels of R&D expenditures would rank both India and Brazil among the world’s top 15 R&D-performing nations." (pag. 4-57).
Não resta dúvida que o Brasil passa a ter um papel de destaque em ciência e tecnologia e começa a aparecer. Contudo, há há muito a ser feito e o investimento precisa ser continuado. O próximo governo precisa se comprometer em manter e ampliar o esforço de financiamento de C&T realizado pelo governo do Pres. Lula. Precisamos deixar no passado as oscilações dramáticas de financiamento ao setor. Sem um investimento continuado será impossível ter um bom desempenho.
Excelente texto. Obrigado pelas informações. Abraços, Julio
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ResponderExcluirEducação e pesquisa fez a china se desenvolver e mudar de Pais em transição para futura potencia. Apresentando os melhores periodicos de Informatica, junto com Israel..."
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