O artigo Let's make science metrics more scientific da Nature, de 25 de março, ressalta o esforço do Brasil em aperfeiçoar a avaliação de desempenho em ciência citando a Plataforma Lattes:
"The Brazilian experience with the Lattes Database (http://lattes.cnpq.br/english) is a powerful example of good practice. This provides high-quality data on about 1.6 million researchers and about 4,000 institutions. Brazil's national funding agency recognized in the late 1990s that it needed a new approach to assessing the credentials of researchers. First, it developed a 'virtual community' of federal agencies and researchers to design and develop the Lattes infrastructure. Second, it created appropriate incentives for researchers and academic institutions to use the database: the data are referred to by the federal agency when making funding decisions, and by universities in deciding tenure and promotion. Third, it established a unique researcher identification system to ensure that people with similar names are credited correctly. The result is one of the cleanest researcher databases in existence."Ilustração do artigo da Nature
Que orgulho! Eu adoro a Plataforma Lattes em todos os sentidos!
ResponderExcluirSimplesmente fantástico. Ciência, conhecimento e métrica, futebol e carnaval :-) não somos mais tão periféricos assim. Agora, temos que dar um jeito na importação de reagentes, animais de experimentação e insumos para pesquisa!! Abços,