PRIZE - 2010
1) The Public Understanding and Popularization of Science Prize will be awarded every three years by TWAS ROLAC to a researcher or writer who have made significant contributions to popularize Science and Technology.
2) The US$ 3,000.00 prize will be awarded to engaged in popularizing Science and Technology.
3) A “Special Mention” may be awarded, as an incentive to a researcher, if the prize committee unanimously so decides. In that case, the awardee is eligible for the prize in other years.
4) The candidate is responsible for his/her own registration.
A complete set of the following documents is requested for a candidacy to be considered:
- Registration form dully filled.
- Updated curriculum vitae
- Description of candidate’s works justifying their significant contribution to popularization of science.
- Up to 5 significant publications by the author in this area (electronic copies).
The registrations must be submitted by e-mail to in the following format: Popscience_SURNAME_first inicial.doc
5) The complete set of document must be e-mailed all together, at the same day, under the title ( subject: ) “Popularization of Science Prize”.
Late registrations will not be accepted.
6) In case the prize is not awarded, the money prize will not be accumulated for the next edition.
7) The Chair of TWAS ROLAC will preside the Prize Committee and will have the quality vote.
The registration dead line is: April, 5th 2010
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